Friday, August 10, 2018

7/23/18 - Day 15 - Fish Lake Resort to Tentsite North of Klum Landing Camp

Daily Miles: 22.7
Total Miles This Hike: 267.4
PCT Miles Covered: 1966.7

Finally another long day after the last 2 short mileage days.  And guess what, I finally saw my first PCT bear!!!!  There were some solid long flat stretches today that I could make some miles on, and pretty reasonable water carries today compared to the last few.  Got to stop at another shelter today, which are few and far between on the PCT.  I also got trail magic today from the same gentleman who drove me back out to the trail last night in the form of an ice cold root beer as he waited near a road crossing for hikers to come through.  About 5 miles after leaving him I came around the corner and saw a jet black shape ahead of me on the trail.  It was so out of place that I stopped suddenly and realized it was a bear picking at a stump right on trail.  I have seen over 20 bears on the east coast, and this guy (or girl) was massive in comparison.  I stood still not wanting to surprise it while reaching for my whistle just in case and after about 10 seconds it either got a whiff of me, or I moved ever so slightly and it took off like a bulldozer through the woods.  Glad my first real PCT bear was mid-day and I saw it before it saw me.  Cruised a bit more and tried to get into Klum Campground, but unfortunately they wanted $20 to just camp so I filled my water, went back to trail and passed out in a tentsite completing my second 20+ mile day.

Keep on keeping on,


Updated Remaining Maildrops

Due to all of the delays I have experienced in this hike, I have decided it was best to post an updated maildrop list with more realistic dates.  So for where I have left that I plan to stop I have changed dates:

3. Packwood, WA – (ETA 8/18/18– SEND BY 8/10/18
Todd Everleth
PCT Hiker, ETA 8/18/18
General Delivery
111 Smith Road
Packwood, WA 98361
4. Leavenworth, WA – (ETA 8/29/18– SEND BY 8/21/18
Todd Everleth
PCT Hiker, ETA 8/29/18
General Delivery
Leavenworth, WA 98826
5. Stehekin, WA – (ETA 9/7/18– SEND BY 8/31/18
Todd Everleth
PCT Hiker, ETA 9/7/18
General Delivery
Stehekin, WA 98852

This should put me back on track though it will now be more than a week after my birthday when I hopefully hit the Canadian Border.  I have given up on that goal of hitting it on my birthday.  As long as I get there, thats the real goal.  Thanks again for all the well wishes and support!!!!

Keep on keeping on,


PS -  I do still have blog entries in my phone for every day so far.  They may not be coming often or fast, but they will all be up eventually, even if it takes a few weeks after I am done to get them all there.  I promise.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

7/22/18 - Day 14 - Christi’s Spring to Fish Lake Resort

Daily Miles: 13.5
Total Miles This Hike: 244.7
PCT Miles Covered: 1944.0

One more long water carry today into Fish Lake Resort.  Starting to understand why even though its all wooded this area is called the High Desert.  Another short day too as I’m trying to time it to Ashland to not be early to all my reservations I made in getting back to Bend.  Decided to walk into Fish Lake instead of hitching in the hot sun.  Had a few sodas and a burger, and decided I would take a hitch back out when it was offered to me so that I could to more miles tomorrow and not have to walk out tomorrow as well.  Instead of getting more miles though I decided to just camp near the road crossing with a large stream and wide open spaces for tents.

Keep on keeping on,


7/21/18 - Day 13 - Stream North of Devil’s Peak to Chrisi’s Spring

Daily Miles: 14.4
Total Miles This Hike: 231.2
PCT Miles Covered: 1932.5

Probably my laziest day so far either because of the miles I did yesterday, or because I knew I was only going 14.  I had a great ridgeline walk around Devil’s Peak that reminded me of the Sierras, and I took many, many breaks because once again of the excessive heat. Another long water carry the whole way to Christi’s Spring where I camped with 4 northbounders.  Never expected the long water carries in Oregon.  The bugs are starting to get better, heard they should be almost gone soon for me.

Keep on keeping on,


7/20/18 - Day 12 - Mazama Village to Stream North of Devil’s Peak

Daily Miles: 22.7
Total Miles This Hike: 216.8
PCT Miles Covered: 1918.1

So, I realize I am now about 2 weeks behind on this blog, so in the interest of catching up as much as I can, I will try to post a quick synopsis and pictures from each day and move onto the next day in rapid fire, so that hopefully I can catch up and be able to add more info on subsequent posts.

This was my first 20 mile day of the year, and it was a long one without water for most of it.  When I left Mazama Village it was 20.3 miles until the next water source so I had to carry 5 liters of water out.  In addition about 8 miles of it was a heavily burned area with no shade and hot sun.  Camped with 1 other section hiker going northbound, but was able to have some good conversation that night with him, including giving him a heads up on the mosquito situation to the north.  My camping spot had an outstanding view of Devil’s Peak, which I would climb very steeply up the next morning.

Keep on keeping on,
