Total Miles This Hike: 267.4
PCT Miles Covered: 1966.7
Finally another long day after the last 2 short mileage days. And guess what, I finally saw my first PCT bear!!!! There were some solid long flat stretches today that I could make some miles on, and pretty reasonable water carries today compared to the last few. Got to stop at another shelter today, which are few and far between on the PCT. I also got trail magic today from the same gentleman who drove me back out to the trail last night in the form of an ice cold root beer as he waited near a road crossing for hikers to come through. About 5 miles after leaving him I came around the corner and saw a jet black shape ahead of me on the trail. It was so out of place that I stopped suddenly and realized it was a bear picking at a stump right on trail. I have seen over 20 bears on the east coast, and this guy (or girl) was massive in comparison. I stood still not wanting to surprise it while reaching for my whistle just in case and after about 10 seconds it either got a whiff of me, or I moved ever so slightly and it took off like a bulldozer through the woods. Glad my first real PCT bear was mid-day and I saw it before it saw me. Cruised a bit more and tried to get into Klum Campground, but unfortunately they wanted $20 to just camp so I filled my water, went back to trail and passed out in a tentsite completing my second 20+ mile day.
Keep on keeping on,