Tuesday, April 23, 2019

7/25/18 - Day 17 - Campsite South of Lone Pilot Trail Junction to Callahan’s Lodge

Daily Miles: 8.2
Total Miles This Hike: 299.9
PCT Miles Covered: 2001.0

Since I did a bit more distance than I planned on yesterday, I knew I didn’t have as many miles as planned to get back to Callahan’s today.  I am still amazed that this gambit of flipping north and hiking south from Bend actually wound up paying off and working out.  After the rain last night, I was very excited to wake up and see that even though I set my tent up on a bit of a slope I picked a great spot with a wide open view of Pilot Rock behind me.  

After a bit of procrastinating, I finally got myself packed up and headed up the trail skirting around Pilot Rock and finally making it to the road that led into Callahan’s.  It was kind of weird having just been here 3 weeks ago in a rental car, and now having hiked into here after 300 miles on trail so far this year.

Callahans has a hiker special where you get to tent in their back yard, laundry, shower and 2 meals dinner and breakfast, so I immediately jumped on that and started to get some stuff done.  I have a couple complicated days of travel back to Bend ahead of me, so the more I could get done in advance the better.  By the time it got dark there were about 15 tents set up in their yard, though I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who walked in southbound.  I have also officially passed the 2000 mile mark on this trail which is a crazy good feeling as well.  Only about 650 more miles to go!!!

Keep on Keeping On,


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